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This site contains financial advice that shouldn’t be taken seriously, unless you don’t like money.


First, something important

Dogecoin will soon usher in a radical new change in the system of currencies by creating a brand new meme economy. This will allow it to become the dominant global currency, so invest now before it’s too late.

"I find that often times the most ironic or entertaining outcome is the most likely. And to me the most entertaining outcome would be Dogecoin becoming the global new earth currency."
-Elon Musk

Second, Magic: The GatheringTM Cards

Magic: The Gathering is a collectible trading card game that was created in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast and has grown to become one of the most popular trading card games today. Due to its collectible nature it is a great investment, but with so many cards in existence and so many to be printed in the future how do you know which are worth investing? The simple answer is you don’t, but luckily I’ve provided three different groups of cards to invest in. You can even choose one random card from each group to invest in.

The first group is any card that exist, if you are feeling lucky you can choose one random card to buy and hope it goes up in value. The second group is commander cards, sometimes a legendary creature card goes up because it becomes popular in the format of the same name (commander). You must know how to play the game if you want to know which commander cards are good and will become popular. The third is the reserved list, this is a group of cards that will never be printed ever again. Naturally this means that most of these cards will go up in value eventually. This makes this group the best investment due to the fact that there is a finite amount of them.

Market Price:
TCGplayer: Link
Random Card
Market Price:
TCGplayer: Link
Random Commander
Market Price:
TCGplayer: Link
Random Reserved

Third, Stocks

Stocks or Stonks

Stocks are one of the most popular investments that exist. The deal is simple, buy stocks when their price is low and then sell them when their price goes up to make a profit (don’t forget capital gains tax). Of course it gets more complicated than that, there’s options like puts and calls, but for simplicity we’ll stick with buy low sell high.

The chart on the left has the top 5 stocks with the biggest gains and losses. If you buy one of these stocks at the right time then you might be able to make some money. For example, if a stock falls a lot then you can buy it and hope it goes back up. You can also buy a stock that makes big gains and hope it goes up even more. Of course any stock can always go to zero so remember to not risk your life savings.